
How to view mac console commands
How to view mac console commands

But, by turning to the command line you can reveal all user accounts on a Mac, whether they are general user accounts of active users, admin accounts, as well as any system account.

how to view mac console commands

As a result, while those approaches may be appropriate for the casual Mac user looking to show what users they have on a computer, neither of those methods are particularly sufficient for most admin needs. Additionally, the existence of a name in the /Users/ directory is not foolproof, because you can delete a user account but preserve that users home directory. Of course, anyone can find these files using the methods listed above, so this is not a real substitution for file encryption or any other legitimate security measures.A few preliminary basic approaches to this would be to access the login screen or to list the contents of the /Users directory, though if a user account is hidden then it would not display at the login screen and it’s equally simple to obfuscate a user from the /Users folder. Open Terminal and write the following:ĭrag the file you wish to hide into the Terminal window to display its path This would be most helpful if you have password-protected files or just want to prevent anyone who uses your Mac from messing around with something that's not already hidden. This method might seem less helpful than going through Finder, but Terminal can also help you hide individual files and folders on your computer. Type defaults write AppleShowAllFiles false and press Enter When you want to hide these files again, replace the value true with false, which would look like: Once both lines of code run, you should see your hidden files in Finder and any temporary files saved on the desktop. Type defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true and press Enter Find Terminal under Launchpad > Other > Terminal, then run the following commands:

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  • how to view mac console commands

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    How to view mac console commands